Media Kit

mvc stats

Email Marketing

Top MVC Emails

Number Sent

Open Rate

Bounce Rate

MVC 2021 (virtual)

Virtual Platform Login
Password and login link; sent one day prior.
2,957 82.55% 0.41%
Registration Confirmation 3,645 76.86% 0.73%
Event Reminder
Sent the week prior to MVC.
2,780 76.54% 0.47%
Post-MVC Feedback 3,258 42.25% 0.40%
Registration Invitations
Series of four emails.
41,812 27.07% 2.25%
2021 Total Sent / Averages 54,452 61.05% 0.85%

MVC 2020 (in person)

Badge/Address Confirm 3,033 81.74% 0.16%
Registration Confirmation
Both pre-MVC and on site.
5,826 69.53% 1.51%
Event Reminder
Sent the week prior to MVC.
4,216 67.32% 0.26%
Notes/Mobile App Download Invitation 3,854 62.07% 0.05%
Post-MVC Feedback 5,052 38.42% 0.22%
Registration Invitation 14,303 28.00% 3.71%
2020 Total Sent / Averages 62,598 40.15% 2.24%

Global Benchmarks 1

18.0% 0.70%

1. According to Campaign Monitor 2021 Email Benchmarks.

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Mobile App (2020)

Number of Unique Users 3,756
MVC App Adoption Rate 65%
Industry Average Adoption Rate 2 63%
Total Engagement3 185,000
Organization Engagement
(Exhibitors & sponsors)
Organizations Bookmarked 1,310
Industry Average Per-Event Engagement 2 23,969
Banner Impressions / Taps 173,000 / 262
User Contributions4 8,210
Minutes Open 140,000
Session/Speaker Surveys Completed 4,500
Overall Evaluations Submitted 155

2. According to CrowdCompass' Mobile Event App Benchmark Report.

3. Engagement: All possible passive and active user actions (e.g., viewing, adding to schedule, taking notes, completing a survey, sharing to social media, bookmarking, sending messages, etc.)

4. User Contributions: All active user interactions (messages sent, social shares, appointment scheduled, photos viewed, session check-ins, sessions rated, contact shares, and surveys taken.)

Approval Rating


Attendees who rated the 2020 MVC mobile app as good or excellent.

Users by Device

2,558 976 222

apple | android | web

Attendee Feedback

“The app-access to schedule, notes, and attendees was great!”

“I thought the app was very user friendly and helpful.”

Overall Ratings & Reviews

Loyalty Rate


Attendees who are likely or very likely to return to the MVC.

How MVC Compares


Attendees who rate the MVC as equal to or better than other regional/national veterinary conventions.

“The show was AMAZING. Really appreciate the hard work put in to create a really solid show. Hopefully next year we’ll be able to do even more!”

“[My favorite part of the MVC is the] ability to connect with colleagues and exhibitors.”

“I love the exhibit hall, meeting and talking to all of the exhibitors.”

“The networking opportunities were amazing. I love getting to talk to reps about their product and actually see it physically!”

Exhibit Hall Ratings

out of 5

Average attendee rating

out of 5

Variety & Usefulness of Exhibitors