What information will be shown on my badge?
Badges show attendee first name or nickname, full name, attendee type, company, and location*. There will also be a QR code, which is used in the Exhibit Hall for exhibitor scans.
*Keep in mind, the location is pulled from your PRIMARY address. If you choose your home address as primary, it may not correspond with your company’s location.
Your information will be printed on your badge EXACTLY as you provide it during registration (including capitalization), so please enter these details as you would like them to appear.
What information is encoded in the QR code? Can exhibitors obtain this information?
Your name, attendee type, company, primary mailing address, and phone number (if provided) are encoded in the bar code and may be scanned by exhibitors.
Please note, we DO NOT provide or sell email address to any third parties.
Can I check my badge before it’s printed? How can I make corrections?
Yes. When you check in on site, you will be able to preview your badge and make corrections prior to printing.
When will I receive my badge?
Badges will NOT be mailed in advance. All attendees should pick up their badges on site from the self-serve check-in station.
What if I don’t want exhibitors to receive my contact information?
If you do not wish to share these details with exhibitors, simply decline to have your badge scanned in the Exhibit Hall.
When do I need to wear my badge?
Badges are required for entry into all MVC sessions, labs, special events, and the Exhibit Hall.