Enter the following required information for the registrant:
Click "Next" once all fields are filled out.
Please provide the following information:
You must provide a mailing address to receive your confirmation packet and badge in the mail. If you leave this section blank, or it is out of date, you will not receive a packet prior to the MVC and will have to pick it up on site.
Please select your primary area of practice. OVMA uses this information internally for demographic purposes and to send you occasional email alerts about educational or other opportunities you may be interested in.
OVMA Members can opt in to membership auto-renewal and should also provide their veterinary college and graduation year if those fields are blank.
Select whether you prefer to receive communication by mail, email, or both.
Denote whether you would like to receive a hard copy of the On-Site Program, will be using the mobile app only, or are attending virtually.
If you would like to join the OVMA or renew your membership, available membership options will be shown here. Select your desired option, or leave "None" selected to bypass membership purchase.
*If you select a membership item, the registration fees will automatically adjust to the OVMA member rate.
The registration options available for the registrant will be displayed. Select the appropriate option and click Next.
Although not mandatory, attendees are strongly encouraged to select the sessions they plan to attend so that OVMA can assign rooms and seating to accommodate everyone, and so you have a record for future reference. You can change your selections at any time by returning to your online registration or by editing your schedule in the MVC mobile app. Learn more about modifying your schedule
To locate a specific session, lab, or event, please use your browser's find function (ctrl/cmd + F) and type in the session number or keywords.
Check the box to the left of the session(s), lab(s), and/or event(s) for which you wish to register. If you change your mind, simply uncheck that box.
***All sessions you select here will appear in your personalized schedule in the MVC mobile app!
Click the "Add Person" button to register additional attendees. You can repeat the above steps as many times as needed to register your entire group.
Once you have added all of your attendees, review your registration to ensure everything is correct. Toggle between registrants by clicking on the names in the left sidebar. Guests are denoted with a triangle under the main registrant.
If you need to make changes, click the Edit link next to the section that needs to be edited. You will be redirected back to that section to make your modifications.
Once you've confirmed your selections, click "Finished Adding People" to continue.
Enter your credit card information and billing address, agree to the MVC's Terms and Conditions, and click "Finish" to submit your registration.
If you do not receive an email confirmation within a few minutes, please check your spam folder or contact us to ensure your email address is correct in our records.
You may register just for a Hands-On Lab if you do not wish to attend the full MVC. Please note, this registration type does not include access to the Exhibit Hall OR any sessions.
The registration process is the same as described in the "Individual & Group" section above with a slight difference:
Continue to the payment page to enter your credit card information and submit your order.
For this option, follow steps 1 to 4 above, selecting "Virtual MVC Only" as your registration category.
Log in to your attendee profile using your email address and confirmation number, then click the "Modify" button on the top left of the page.
Follow the prompts to go through the entire registration process, updating the sections you want to change.
Continue clicking the "Next" button continue until you reach the payment page. If a payment is required, enter your credit card information. Click "Finish" to submit your changes.
YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS STEP! Your registration modifications WILL NOT be recorded unless you click "Finish."
Refer to your confirmation email to log in to your attendee profile and click on the "Badge Preview" button to see a proof of your badge.
To make changes to your badge or mailing address, follow these steps:
You can make changes at any time, but any changes made after Tier I registration will not be reflected on your mailed badge. You can pick up a corrected badge on site.
Once logged in, scroll down to the bottom of the confirmation page and click "Register Another Attendee."
If you registered by mail/fax and did not provide an email address, please contact us with your request.
Got questions about registration?