virtual mvc

FEB. 23 TO MAY 24, 2022

After the 2021 Virtual MVC, many attendees raved about the convenience and flexibility of the online conference. That's why we're going hybrid in 2022!


The virtual portion of the MVC will be available for 90 days following the conclusion of the in-person conference, from Feb. 23 to May 24, 2022.


Attendees may register for virtual only or add access to the virtual platform to their in-person registration.

Registration for the virtual MVC will remain open through May and can be added to an in-person registration at any time leading up to, during, or after the live conference.

Login Information

Participants who sign up by Feb. 21 will receive their login information by the end of the day on Tuesday, Feb. 22. After this date, it may take up to one business day to add you to the platform and generate your login details.

Click below and enter the email you used to register and password MVC2022! (case sensitive) to log in.

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Educational Sessions

Nineteen tracks (or a total of 114 hours) will be video recorded during the live MVC and made available on the Virtual Platform. Scroll down to the next section to see what tracks will be recorded.

Virtual attendees will have on-demand access to all session recordings, as well as any accompanying speaker documents.

Please note, the Virtual MVC is NOT live streamed. All virtual sessions will be available as on-demand recordings.

Virtual Exhibit Hall

Attendees will also have unlimited access to the Virtual Exhibit Hall and be able to explore the booths at their own pace. Find out what companies have signed up »

Tech Specs

Click below to test your browser's compatability with the Virtual MVC platform.

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For more information on technical requirements, please scroll down to the Tech Specs section.

Audiences // V = Veterinarians // T = Technicians // MO = Managers & Owners // HS = Hospital Staff // SS = Shelter Staff // BT = Behaviorists & Trainers

Levels // 1 = Beginner // 2 = Intermediate // 3 = Advanced

Session Title Track Speaker Audience Level

100. Basic Behavior Philosophy 1.0 NEW

Animal BehaviorStellaard, Wouter V, T, BT, MO, HS, SS1, 2, 3

101. Basic Behavior Philosophy 2.0 NEW

Animal BehaviorStellaard, Wouter V, T, BT, MO, HS, SS1, 2, 3

102. Principles of Behavior NEW

Animal BehaviorStellaard, Wouter V, T, BT, MO, HS, SS1, 2, 3

103. Training Procedures 1.0 NEW

Animal BehaviorStellaard, Wouter V, T, BT, MO, HS, SS1, 2, 3

104. Training Procedures 2.0 NEW

Animal BehaviorStellaard, Wouter V, T, BT, MO, HS, SS1, 2, 3

105. Training Procedures 3.0 NEW

Animal BehaviorStellaard, Wouter V, T, BT, MO, HS, SS1, 2, 3

118. Acupuncture: Does It Work? Who Says?

Holistic & Integrative MedicineBaley, PatriciaV, T, MO, HS 1, 2, 3

119. Acupuncture at the Level of the Cell

Holistic & Integrative MedicineBaley, PatriciaV1, 2, 3

120. Chinese Herbal Medicine at the Level of the Cell

Holistic & Integrative MedicineBaley, PatriciaV1, 2, 3

121-122. Introduction to Channel Theory

Holistic & Integrative MedicineBaley, PatriciaV2, 3

123. You Fixed THAT with Chinese Medicine?

Holistic & Integrative MedicineBaley, PatriciaV, T, MO 1, 2, 3

136. Feeding the Finicky Kidney Kitty

Pet Animal - FelineQuimby, JessicaV, T 1, 2, 3

137. Updates on Management of Feline CKD

Pet Animal - FelineQuimby, JessicaV, T 1, 2, 3

138. Feline Pyelonephritis

Pet Animal - FelineQuimby, JessicaV, T 1, 2, 3

139. Conundrum of Subclinical Bacteriuria

Pet Animal - FelineQuimby, JessicaV, T 1, 2, 3

140. Recognizing Pain and Stress in Feline Patients

Pet Animal - FelineQuimby, JessicaV, T 1, 2, 3

141. Feline Infectious Peritonitis: Revolutionary Times

Pet Animal - FelineQuimby, JessicaV, T, SS 1, 2, 3

142. Gastric Dilatation Volvulus: The A to Z of GDV

Pet Animal - Radiology & SurgeryHoward, JamesV, T 1, 2

143. The Other Bladder: Does Surgery Really Matter? Gallbladder Mucoceles in Dogs

Pet Animal - Radiology & SurgeryHoward, JamesV, T 1, 2

144. Will that Pass? Approach to “Routine” Small Intestinal Foreign Body Obstruction

Pet Animal - Radiology & SurgeryHoward, JamesV, T 1, 2

145. Thoracic Radiography Involves More than the Lungs and Heart

Pet Animal - Radiology & SurgeryBiller, DavidV, T 1, 2, 3

146. Don’t Panic about Pulmonary Patterns and Lung Disease

Pet Animal - Radiology & SurgeryBiller, DavidV, T 1, 2, 3

147. Old Radiographic Techniques Revisited

Pet Animal - Radiology & SurgeryBiller, DavidV, T 1, 2, 3

178. Update on Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease

Shelter Animal II - Infectious DiseaseSykes, JaneV, T, SS 2

179. Leptospirosis in the Shelter Environment

Shelter Animal II - Infectious DiseaseSykes, JaneV, T, SS 2

180. Update on Vector-Borne Diseases in Shelters

Shelter Animal II - Infectious DiseaseSykes, JaneV, T, SS 2

181. Vaccination Controversies in Dogs and Cats

Shelter Animal II - Infectious DiseaseSykes, JaneV, T, SS 2

182. Flea-Borne Diseases in Free-Roaming Cats

Shelter Animal II - Infectious DiseaseLashnits, ErinV, T, HS, SS 1, 2, 3

183. Clinical Utility of Fecal Transplant for Parvovirus Enteritis in Shelter Dogs

Shelter Animal II - Infectious DiseaseWinston, JenessaV, T, SS 2

184. A Face Only a Mother Could Love: Anesthesia for Brachycephalic Breeds

Technician ILafferty, KatrinaV, T, HS 2

185. Crash Course: Anesthesia for Rabbits, Ferrets, and Rodents

Technician ILafferty, KatrinaV, T, HS 2

186. Analgesia Without Opioids

Technician ILafferty, KatrinaV, T, HS 2

187. Breathe In, Breathe Out: The Ins and Outs of Capnography

Technician ILafferty, KatrinaV, T, HS 2

188. Advanced Anesthesia for Critical Kidney Cases

Technician ILafferty, KatrinaV, T, HS 3

189. Nuts and Bolts: Understanding and Using Your Anesthesia Machine

Technician ILafferty, KatrinaV, T, HS 1

200-201. Recognizing, Recording, and Reporting Suspected Animal Abuse and Neglect

Animal AbuseArkow, PhilV, T, HS, SS 1, 2, 3

202. Horses 101 for Small Animal Veterinarians

Animal AbuseVale, AlinaV, T, SS 1

203. Recognizing and Reporting Equine Abuse and Neglect

Animal AbuseVale, AlinaV, T, SS 1

204. How to Use the AAEP’s Welfare Toolkit

Animal AbuseVale, AlinaV, T, SS 1

205. Equine Abuse: Perception versus Reality

Animal AbuseVale, AlinaV, T, SS, BT 1

206. “I Love Fireworks!” said No Dog Ever: How to Help Dogs with Noise Fears NEW

Animal BehaviorFeltes, ElizabethV, T, MO, HS, SS, BT 1, 2, 3

207. “Help! Is Anyone There?” Treating Separation-Related Distress in Dogs NEW

Animal BehaviorFeltes, ElizabethV, T, MO, HS, SS, BT 1, 2, 3

208. Puppy Behavior Patients: How to Communicate with Their Pet Parents

Animal BehaviorFeltes, ElizabethV, T, MO, HS, SS, BT 2

209. Taking “Psycho” Out of “Psychopharmacology”: Basics and Uses for General Practice

Animal BehaviorFeltes, ElizabethV, T, MO, HS, SS, BT 2

210. Family Conflict: Aggression Between Household Dogs

Animal BehaviorFeltes, ElizabethV, T, MO, HS, SS, BT 2

211. Hot Mess Express: Normal Nuisance Behaviors

Animal BehaviorFeltes, ElizabethV, T, MO, HS, SS, BT 2

230. How to Surgically Extract a Mandibular Canine and Mandibular First Molar

Pet Animal - Dentistry NEWGreenfield, BardenV1, 2, 3

231. How to Surgically Extract Caudal Maxillary Cheek Teeth

Pet Animal - Dentistry NEWGreenfield, BardenV1, 2, 3

232. Start Anesthetic Dentistry Early for Lifelong Success

Pet Animal - Dentistry NEWGreenfield, BardenV1, 2, 3

233. Don't Neglect Those Cats! How Tooth Resorption Must be Addressed

Pet Animal - Dentistry NEWGreenfield, BardenV1, 2, 3

234. Oral Oncology 101

Pet Animal - Dentistry NEWGreenfield, BardenV1, 2, 3

235. Aristotle Taught Us How to Get Clients on Board with Oral Care

Pet Animal - Dentistry NEWGreenfield, BardenV1, 2, 3

242. Why “Woundn’t” You Manage This? A Practical Approach to Wound Management

Pet Animal - Radiology & SurgeryHoward, JamesV, T 1, 2

243. Potpourri of Surgery: Tips, Tricks, and Common Questions

Pet Animal - Radiology & SurgeryHoward, JamesV, T 1

244. Pain in the Rear: A Comprehensive Approach to Perineal Hernias

Pet Animal - Radiology & SurgeryHoward, JamesV, T 1, 2

245. Imaging of Gastrointestinal Obstruction

Pet Animal - Radiology & SurgeryBiller, DavidV, T 1, 2, 3

246. Imaging of the Young Lame Canine Patient

Pet Animal - Radiology & SurgeryBiller, DavidV, T 1, 2, 3

247. Case Studies: Thoracic, Abdominal, and Juvenile Bone Disease

Pet Animal - Radiology & SurgeryBiller, DavidV, T 1, 2, 3

260. Inventory Accounting: Getting it Right is Critical!

Practice Management IIFelsted, KarenV, MO 2

261-262. Pricing Strategies to Improve the Bottom Line

Practice Management IIFelsted, KarenV, MO 2

263. Profitability is NOT the Same as Net Income

Practice Management IIFelsted, KarenV, MO 2

264. Translate Management Decisions into Dollars and Cents

Practice Management IIFelsted, KarenV, MO 2

265. Selling Your Practice: Avoid These Fatal Mistakes!

Practice Management IIFelsted, KarenV, MO 1

266. Emergence of Canine Leptospirosis in the U.S.: Where It’s ‘Hot’ and ‘Not’

Public HealthSmith, AmandaV1, 2

267. Protecting Dogs from Leptospirosis: From Vaccination to Dodging Puddles

Public HealthSmith, AmandaV1, 2

268. Dog and Public Health Aspects of Leptospirosis

Public HealthSykes, JaneV, T 2

269. The Fatal Furry Friend: Bite Wound Infections That Kill

Public HealthSykes, JaneV2

270. Zoonotic Bartonella Infection and Neuropsychiatric Illness in Humans

Public HealthLashnits, ErinV, T, MO, HS, SS, BT 1, 2, 3

271. Bartonellosis in Dogs and Cats: Epidemiology and Clinical Decision Making

Public HealthLashnits, ErinV1, 2, 3

409. Type 2 Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy and Myofibrillar Myopathy in Warmbloods

EquineValberg, StephanieV 2

410. Generalized Muscle Atrophy in Horses: Will it Come Back?

EquineValberg, StephanieV 2

411. Movement Disorders in Horses: Shivers, Stringhalt, and More

EquineValberg, StephanieV 2

412. Equine Cutaneous Neoplasia

EquineMcCracken, MeganV, T 2, 3

413. Management Strategies for Challenging Equine Wounds

EquineMcCracken, MeganV, T, HS 2, 3

414. Techniques for Management of Equine Septic Arthritis

EquineMcCracken, MeganV, T, HS 2, 3

415. Immune Development in Calves

Food AnimalAbuelo, AngelV 2

416. Calf Vaccination: Science and Strategies

Food AnimalAbuelo, AngelV 2

417. Impact of Early Life Events on the Health and Productivity of Dairy Heifers

Food AnimalAbuelo, AngelV 2

418. Managing Salmonella Dublin in Calves

Food AnimalAbuelo, AngelV 2

419-420. Potbellied Pig Primary Care

Food AnimalMillward, LaurieV, T, HS, SS, BT 1, 2

427. Dyspnea: A Pattern-Based Approach to Respiratory Distress

Pet Animal - Critical CareByers, ChristopherV, T 1

428. Common Cardiac Emergencies in Cats and Dogs

Pet Animal - Critical CareByers, ChristopherV, T 1

429. Immune Thrombocytopenia: Practical Diagnosis and Management

Pet Animal - Critical CareByers, ChristopherV, T 2

430. Practical Approach to Shock in Cats and Dogs

Pet Animal - Critical CareByers, ChristopherV, T 1

431. Practical Approach to Urethral Obstruction in Cats

Pet Animal - Critical CareByers, ChristopherV, T 2

432. Hypoadrenocorticism: A Practical Approach to the Great Pretender

Pet Animal - Critical CareByers, ChristopherV, T 2

457. Essential Strategies to Maximize Communication Effectiveness

Practice Management IICampbell, CourtneyV, T, MO, HS 1, 2, 3

458. Surgery and Communication During a Pandemic: A Delicate Balance

Practice Management IICampbell, CourtneyV, T, MO, HS 1, 2, 3

459. I Hate to be the Bearer

Practice Management IICampbell, CourtneyV, T, MO, HS 1, 2, 3

460. Wound Healing: Reckoning with the Past, Understanding the Present, and Creating the Future for a More Inclusive Veterinary Profession

Practice Management IICampbell, CourtneyV, T, MO, HS 1, 2, 3

461. When Media Calls: The Role of Media in Veterinary Communication

Practice Management IICampbell, CourtneyV, T, MO, HS 1, 2, 3

462. Tying the Knot: Effective Communication Between Surgery and Primary Veterinary Healthcare Team

Practice Management IICampbell, CourtneyV, T, MO, HS 1, 2, 3

475. Laparoscopic Artificial Insemination, Part I: Is it Something I Can Do?

Small RuminantsGately, RachaelV, T 1

476. Laparoscopic Artificial Insemination, Part II: Secrets of Success

Small RuminantsGately, RachaelV, T 1

477. Laparoscopic Artificial Insemination, Part III: The Role of High-Quality Semen

Small RuminantsGately, RachaelV, T 1

478. Cosmetic Dehorns for the Ambulatory Practitioner

Small RuminantsGately, RachaelV, T 1

479. The War on Worms, Part I: Practical Guide to Diagnostics

Small RuminantsVanHoy, GraceV 1, 2, 3

480. The War on Worms, Part II: Integrated Parasite Control Options for Your Clients

Small RuminantsVanHoy, GraceV 1, 2, 3

481. It’s Not Always Training: Mastering the Training Needs Analysis

Staff DevelopmentRomano, HeatherV, T, MO3

482. How to Train Your Centennial

Staff DevelopmentRomano, HeatherV, T, MO3

483-484. Managing Passive-Aggressive Personalities

Staff DevelopmentRomano, HeatherV, T, MO2, 3

485. Falling in Love with Feedback

Staff DevelopmentRomano, HeatherV, T, MO3

486. Training When There’s No Time

Staff DevelopmentRomano, HeatherV, T, MO3

493. Why is This Dog Crying? Managing Canine Corneal Ulcers

Technician IIKirby, PamelaT, SS 1, 2, 3

494. Equine Cataract Surgery: Which Horses and Owners are Ideal Candidates

Technician IIKirby, PamelaT 1, 2

495. A Breath of Fresh Air: High-Flow Oxygen Delivery

Technician IIWereszczak, LeslieV, T 2

496. Nursing Assessment of the Critically Ill Patient

Technician IIWereszczak, LeslieT 2

497. No Small Problem: Neonatal Emergencies

Technician IIWereszczak, LeslieT, HS 1

498. Central Venous Catheters: Placement, Care, and Complications

Technician IIWereszczak, LeslieT 2

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System Requirements for a Better Experience:

2 GHz Dual Core CPU Processor or faster

Minimum 4 GB RAM (Greater than 4 GB is a benefit)

Operating System:

  • Windows 10 or later
  • Mac OS X 10.14 or later
  • iOS 12 or later

Be sure your computer or device is equipped with speakers and they are not muted or turned off.

Wired internet with a download speed of 3 Mbps or higher
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Browser Requirements:

Browser must support HTML-5. Make sure your browser is up to date to ensure HTML-5 is supported.

These are the current versions of the supported browsers:

  • Chrome 98
  • Firefox 97
  • Edge 97
  • Safari 14 or higher
  • Note: Internet Explorer is not recommended, as the site will not function properly. Please switch to another browser.

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Use a PC or MAC with current Browser.

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*Some companies place restrictions on external websites to prevent hackers from accessing the network. If your company has a firewall or VPN, this may prevent you from accessing the Virtual Platform.

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  • Try using a different web browser.
  • Confirm with your IT department that ports 1935 and 80 are open.
  • If ports 1935 and 80 are open but you still cannot see video or hear audio, please contact your IT department for further assistance.

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