Use Agreement & Copyright Notice
The Ohio Veterinary Medical Association (OVMA) honors your request for the names and addresses of attendees of the Midwest Veterinary Conference (MVC). In providing this list:
- We convey a singular use license to mail the persons identified for the express purpose of informing MVC attendees of information relating to your company's products and/or services.
- The OVMA maintains its copyright and rights of ownership of the information provided.
- The list may not be reproduced, shared, sold, otherwise disseminated, or used for any purpose other than that outlined above, or reused by you without written permission from OVMA.
- If the names are conveyed by electronic file, the user agrees and warrants that the file shall be deleted after its utilization for a single use in mailing those individuals in the file.
By submitting an order for mailing labels, the purchaser acknowledges, understands, and agrees to the above terms and warrants that he/she is duly authorized to commit their firm to the above terms of use.