Please complete the online Call for Speakers form by April 1. We will share your proposal with the relevant education planning committee(s) and notify you of their decision in early summer.
If your proposal is submitted after April 1, we will keep it on file and contact you should a space open up.
There is no specific limit on the number of hours you can speak at the Conference, but we do require that out-of-state speakers present at least six hours of sessions and/or labs.
Be brief, but provide enough information that the education committees are able to get a good sense of what information you will be presenting. Your session information need not be shared in its entirety; if you are accepted, you will be asked to submit a complete and detailed description for all your sessions.
Should your plans change, please contact Education Coordinator Aimee Becker as soon as possible.
Speakers are automatically registered during the online contract submission process. No separate registration form is required.
Speakers who present three or more hours may attend the MVC for free.
Speakers who present two hours or less and receive an honorarium will enjoy complimentary registration the day on which they speak. To attend the rest of the Conference, these speakers may pay the price difference between a full and one-day registration.
If the nature of the speaker’s position precludes accepting an honorarium, they may receive a complimentary full or one-day registration at the discretion of the OVMA executive director.
On the Speaker Information page of the online registration and contract submission process, we require speakers to provide their prefix, first name, nickname, and credentials, among other things. While some of these seem redundant or may not apply to you (e.g., prefix and credentials, first name and badge first name), we need these details to properly compile your information for marketing materials and for your name badge.
In MVC marketing materials—including the Registration and On-Site programs and MVC website—we use the following format to recognize speakers:
First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Credentials
Example: Jonathan A. Doe, DVM, Ph.D.
Your attendee badge will include the following information:
Full Name
Individual Type
{ Speaker Ribbon }
Dr. Jonathan Smith
ABC Company
Columbus, Ohio
*If you do not have a nickname or other name you like to go by, simply re-type your first name in the appropriate box—but remember, both boxes need to contain information for your badge to populate properly.
See also: Sample badge ❯❯
When you submit your contract and registration, your confirmation email will contain a modify registration link, along with a unique confirmation number. Click the link, enter your email address and confirmation number, then once logged in, click the Modify button.The system will take you through each step of the registration process, during which you can make changes to any of your original submissions, including:
You will receive email reminders and instructions on how to submit these items as the deadlines approach.
All items should be submitted online. Please complete the contract and all required forms online in the Speaker Service Center. Your conference registration is completed during the contract submission process, so you do not need to complete a separate registration form. You will receive separate emails with links to submit all other items once the submission period opens, or you may click here for instructions and links for submitting them at your convenience.
Please see the materials guidelines for length, style, and content requirements, as well as examples.
Please follow these guidelines when preparing your session documents, or use the MVC presentation template.
Yes, the MVC has created a template for PowerPoint and Keynote for your use. Click below to download your preferred version.
If your presentation does not warrant scientific notes, you are welcome to provide other documents, provided they are not commercial in nature. Please combine all supplemental materials into one PDF prior to uploading.
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This information will be posted in summer 2021.
If the nature of the your position precludes accepting an honorarium, please denote as such in your speaker agreement.
Yes, speakers enjoy complimentary breakfast (if staying at the Hyatt Regency Hotel) and lunch on the day(s) they are speaking. More information will be provided in your on-site packet.
If you have any dietary restrictions, please share those in the third submission form (due Nov. 15).
The MVC will provide audio/visual equipment if requested. This does include a PC laptop. You may also bring your own laptop if you wish. Please note, Internet is not provided in the session rooms.
All speakers will receive the MVC Conference Proceedings (including Scientific Notes and PowerPoint presentations) on flash drive.
This information will be posted in summer 2021.
This information will be posted in summer 2021.
If you should need to make any changes to air travel or hotel reservations, please direct these requests to the OVMA staff contact, Aimee Becker, by e-mail or phone at 614.436.1300.
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