Please provide your mailing address, phone number, and email address, as well as your name and credentials exactly as you'd like them to appear in MVC marketing materials.
The Speaker Contract provides all the details of your agreement to speak at the MVC, including:
The primary MVC marketing piece is the Registration Program, which is sent to some 20,000 potential attendees in the fall. Also known as the MVC "bible," this book includes detailed program information that will ultimately be the deciding factor in whether someone attends our Conference. The following speaker items are crucial elements of the Registration Program.
A brief explanation of what your presentation will consist of, including session titles.
The speaker biography is a brief summary of your credentials and relevant accomplishments. It is used on the MVC website, Conference Proceedings, and in session introductions. Please note there is a 750-character limit.
The MVC invites attendees to volunteer as session moderators to introduce speakers and assist as needed throughout the lecture. Denote whether you would like a moderator and for which sessions (if applicable).
If you are willing to sit down for a brief interview with OVMA staff to discuss your presentations (during the Conference or another time), please let us know in this form. We will contact you directly to work out the details.
Can't remember when you're speaking? Please refer to your speaker contract, which can be found in your confirmation email (subject line: "Success! Your MVC speaker agreement has been received"), to find your specific speaking arrangements before making your flight arrangements and/or hotel request.
Verify whether you will need airfare or mileage reimbursement. If you plan to fly, arrangements need to be made through OVMA's designated travel agent.
Verify whether you will need hotel accommodations and whether you wish to stay longer than the allotted number of nights.
The MVC provides the following standard A/V equipment in each session room. If you need additional equipment, or if you plan to bring your own laptop, please denote as such in the A/V request form.
There is a space on the form where you can list any special dietary needs.
Year after year, attendees state that having access to speaker presentations and notes is highly important to them, both during the MVC and after. As such, we strongly encourage you to submit these documents for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings. Please ensure the content of your PowerPoint and scientific notes matches the content of your presentation.
Conference Proceedings are made available to attendees online prior to the Conference and provided on a flash drive on site. Please see the Materials Guidelines for specific instructions on formatting your documents.
Speakers will be paid an honorarium of $350 per hour of in-person presentation and submission of PowerPoint Presentation(s) and/or Scientific Notes.
A flat travel stipend is provided in lieu of actual speaker out-of-pocket expenses. You need not submit any receipts or documentation.
Speakers who present more than two hours of sessions and/or labs may attend the entire conference for free. Speakers who present two hours or less receive complimentary MVC registration on the day(s) they present. (Note: This does not include hands-on labs.)
Speakers receive a copy of the conference proceedings flash drive upon arrival.
Speakers also receive complimentary meals on the day(s) they present.
To have your airfare paid for by OVMA, your reservation must be made through OVMA's designated travel agent. Flight requests must be made by Nov. 15.
If you choose to not use the designated travel agent, we regret that we cannot cover your airfare.
A request for a specific airline will be honored if doing so does not increase the cost of the flight or the speaker agrees to pay the differential.
If you do not need a flight, OVMA will cover your mileage at the current IRS reimbursement rate not to exceed $400 total.
OVMA will pay hotel room and tax for those nights reflective of the speaking engagement. Additional nights shall be covered by the speaker.
Jessica Thompson
614.431.7901 ext. 50301
Jane Rosen
614.431.7901 ext. 50303
If the speaker resides in Ohio but outside Central Ohio (defined as Franklin and its contiguous counties), and speaks at least three hours, the OVMA will:
Speakers who reside within Central Ohio will receive a flat $15 travel stipend to cover parking and mileage.